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    Yes! It make s perfect sense that Brown himself, being the perfect example of how government might be "unsuited to…
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  • The Rolling Stone article is a "must read" for anyone seeking to understand these maniacs and chart a course to…
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  • Certainly the ideology predated Brown. I probably should have written; "...created an additional framework within which...", rather than "...created the…
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  • The origins of the neoconservative mindset are generally rooted in early Trotskyite ideology. This was a very "leftist" perspective in…
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  • By any set of humanitarian based standards, Brown is a complete failure. However, by the standards of the bush regime…
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  • I remain very suspicious of now-Chancellor Merkel. My concern focuses on what form her sucking up to the Bush regime…
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  • Recent events in my own life have guided me towards a profound sense of gratitude for so much in life,…
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  • About 10 years ago I made a Middle Eastern style stuffing from a recipe from a Lebanese friend. It was…
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  • Happy "spirit of thanksgiving" to you soj. Good to "hear" your blogvoice.
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  • That's the trajectory all right!
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  • Bush is like the malevolent, petulant neighborhood adolescent who, when slighted, retaliates by killing your dog or burning down your…
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  • I would say criticize the extremists who've hijacked the GOP and who've usurped the label "conservative" as a disguise for…
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  • It also indicates, regrettably, that personal selfishness is a principle factor in determining how people vote. And this is not…
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  • I don't think the religious nuts will vote for McCain, and generally speaking I think the larger component of the…
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  • I have to say that while I understand the thrust of your argument in this diary, I believe Cheney and…
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  • Quite so!
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  • Somehow I don't think the mainstream media is quite ready to expose Bush for being the irrational and dysfunctional and…
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  • I pretty much never got into Thansgiving except as an extended family thing, (my nuclear family having disintegrated quite some…
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  • I found this story deeply disturbing too. Disturbing but not surprising. As you obliquely refer to, if fear can be…
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  • David Wurmser, for me is the most likely. He worked for cheney at the time, (on leave from bolton then…
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