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    Wouldn't you know it. I comment on an academic subject and my post is full of typos. I have to…
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  • I have no connection at all with the peer review process so perhaps my perspective here may be seen by…
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  • Wherever there is the US AID there is the CIA in one iteration or another. If it's accurate that Lula's…
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  • I missed this story completely so thanks for the info. It seems like a win for NC, and maybe it…
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  • I agree with the points you make about the linkage between and the economic considerations common to the porn industry…
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  • This may seem a bit "contrarian" to some but that is not my intention. I see what I'm about to…
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  • What's referred to as "neoliberalism" barely qualifies as an "ism", much less a philosophy. It's basically a euphemism for "oligarchy",…
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  • I don't want to seem trite here, but I don't perceive anything intrinsically wrong with selling sexual favor for money…
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  • Any capacity for independent, evaluative thinking amongst the public is anathema to the neocons. Their entire strategy for global hegemony…
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  • I heard part of this meaningless speech this morning and I have to say it only reinforces a particular perspective…
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  • For all the good it does to question Rumsfeld, (or McClellan or Cheney or Rice, etc.), the press might as…
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  • I'v always thought it somewhat profound that of ther five main acknwledged senses, the sense of smell is the one…
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  • I appreciate you're mentioning my sig, but I think you mean "sjct". Would I be correct in assuming you already…
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  • I'd be interested in learning if this undersecretary was able to observe or participate in any fact-based analysis, (that is,…
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  • My sense with Hersh is that he certainly understands that Bush is divorced from reality and that his vaunted "stubbornness"…
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  • For me, the central point revealed in Sy Hersh's piece is this; Bush is out of touch with reality and…
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  • It's interesting, to say the least, that the US claims that lotsof funding for terrorists come from this tri=border area.…
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  • I wondered why the existence of these "black" CIA facilities was disclosed at that meeting with Congressional Repubs that Cheney…
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  • Fear and the need to be superior that springs from fear; this is why people are so susceptible to believing…
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  • These two articles in Harper's linked here and here do an excellent job of examining the deranged and slf-serving mind-set…
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