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    I had a neighbor in Hawaii who had several mongooses (mongeese?)on his farm property and these critters would act as…
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  • We do have to keep pushing this as you say, else it may slip. But, Fitz is a star now,…
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  • It's a shame Begala and his DLC pals weren't saying this a couple ofyears ago. We might be further along…
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  • I agree it's great the story is being discussed in the MSM even if only cursorily for the moment. I…
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  • I would caution not to get too excited about the Italian investigation into the forgeries yet. My sense is that,…
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  • I'm  not sure if Libby will be singing but I bet Rove might be spendng a lot more time looking…
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  • I'd say that pardons and/or several fatal one car accidents (ala Karen Silkwood) might be in the offing going forward.…
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  • Jeb hasn't called me yet, but if he does he'll get an earful, and not about the hurricane either, but…
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  • It's virtually cruel and unusual punishment for me that all this news and impending indictments and Cheney getting recognized for…
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  • Great diaries today andI'm sorry I haven't been able to be more engaged. Ilive abouyt 15 miles north of Ft.…
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  • Tal Afar.
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  • I'm sure the Saudis are well aware that eventually the US will have to attack them too, as the oil…
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  • I don't believe as big a segment of the US public will support an overt assault on Syria like they…
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  • Yes the sociopathic hypocrite Livingston. Not only was he a wingnut , he always wound up yelling when he appeared…
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  • If she was smart enough to get those backup tapes erased she's smarter than I gave her credit for originally,…
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  • I guess my characterizing her as dumb was off the mark. Still, her performances on the talking head shows are…
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  • This pathetic political creature is another one who has absolutely nothing to say that has any intrinsic meaning for anyone.…
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  • That and possibly also because he seemed to be so zonked on Valium or Prozac that they knew he'd never…
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  • If Bush has a mental breakdown, and Cheney is forced out, (he'd claim medical reasons, obviously,(, doest that mean we'd…
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  • These pathetic and self-absorbed Dem hacks believe in themselves and they believe that the idea that the GOP will self-destruct…
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