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    I don't think Bush is necessarily motivated by anger, though clearly his psyche is dominated by it. The main purpose…
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  • Here's Frank Rich's column, "Karl and Scooter's Excellent Adventure" from today's NYT, courtesy of Truthout. As for the Dems' lame…
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  • Extreme sicko lunatics like Malkin and her ilk really, in the end, have nothing to say. Even monitoring them as…
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  • Clearly the Syrian government doesn't seem to have gained anything as a result of the murder of their former collaborator…
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  • If we could put them all in jail and make sure they had no phone, internet or banking privileges, then…
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  • Basically, the underlying fact of the Bush regime's posture is that they want war and they want war to escalate…
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  • The MEMRI piece attempting to elevate rightwing extremist neocon darling Al Ghadri into political prominence as a legitimate and influential…
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  • I saw the link but since it said New York Times I figured it'd go to the Times Select thingy,…
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  • I think it all can evolve into being a more principled environment, but in order for this to happen I…
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  • Just in case anyone wants to, you can read Maureen Dowd's entire piece at Truthout here.
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  • Their craving for money keeps them from doing the right thing. Political ambition leaves precious little room for principle, and…
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  • My strategy would be to articulate the truth about things as best I could and, at the same time, try…
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  • Perhaps the one bit of sloganeering that epitomizes the cognitive deficiency of the American electorate is this bit of clever…
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  • Hughes exemplifies the failure of the Bush regime's propaganda strategists to understand a fundamental element of the dynamics of deception…
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  • You may notice that I mentioned that corroborating evidence would not likely be forthcoming on much of what was contained…
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  • Civil disobedience is essential! Being obedient to this Bush regime is the crime against the country!
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  • BCCI, Iran-Contra, the BNL "Iraqgate" scandal, lots of activity withing the rightwing murderous dictatorships of Central and South America in…
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  • Limelite, My previous comment was meant to thread as a reply to your comment above where you use the phrase…
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  • There are several nations whose populations are being directly betrayed by the players in this deadly scheme. The US, Israel,…
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  • Wurmser's wife Meyrav is a player too, a significant part of the propaganda and misinformation machinery that is at the…
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