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    agreed that this topic won't, nor should, go away as we define what we believe in and stand for individually…
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  • It's nice to see that Jerome has agreed to refund your money as you do not agree with his banning…
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  • oh man... oh wow... can this possibly be true? This is big. Joe Wilson's civil rights. The forgeries. The leak.…
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  • It's sad isn't it how perfectly it fits so many of their policies and actions? Yup, the environment indeed... open…
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  • yup. it was unpatriotic of them not to... not to mention being a burden on the system and all.
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  • Absolutely spot on about the teachers. I've been following it on CBC from ON and was amazed at all of…
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  • In honour of Fitzmas I hereby resurrect my casting the Repubs as Fairy Tale characters piece... I think the description…
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  • Those pictures make me feel like I'm being spoken to in code by the Left Behind series... that sparkling blue…
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  • dontcha know that they only support the troops who are alive and still able to fight their battles for them...…
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  • why the hell didnt the Dems say the goddamn same things as Scowcroft, Baker, etc. instead of throwing tea parties…
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  • probably sounded like spot-on-truth 'cause I was deadly serious about all those options. 😉
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  • I added the link to your diary as well as the one bri posted into the diary for additional background…
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  • hey bri, would you mind adding that link into my diary as well... it fits perfectly and adds more weight…
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  • my vote is on the cruise missles... the march to war has begun... in time to distract on Plame &…
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  • Blackwater's? I hear there are some mujahdeen in Afghanistan that currently aren't occupied fighting the Soviets... perhaps they could be…
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  • Too bad the Bush Administration has not shown the same enthusiasm for finding Osama Bin Laden or rescuing the three…
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  • amazing. speaking of nervous conservatives... did y'all see Bill Kristol on the daily show last night? He really had nothing…
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  • hey boo, I have nothing to offer about NDN except for caution in general about funding with no strings attached...…
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  • no doubt... when will enough be enough for them?? and what the hell happens to the US if they do…
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  • man, mosh always makes me want to storm something... I guess that's a form of being hopeful 😉 seriously, I…
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