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    I don't think my mental health will survive if he succeeds in an attack on Syria. Seriously. History can't repeat…
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  • how do we tie this into the energy task force and nail his ass for the whole lot of crimes??
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  • Not gonna say you're wrong, but it's premature. Remember, this is all outside speculation and damage control. Only Fitz and…
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  • I assume the person searching for fight club, split personality disorder  was trying to find me.
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  • I don't think he'd be indicted either as I mentioned... but what it does do is set up a whole…
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  • for all you canucks... check out CBCNW for a replay of the Press Gallery Dinner and Paul Martin totally hamming…
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  • there's also this interesting tidbit about the FBI & Dion... John Dion assembles a half-dozen FBI agents from the counterintelligence…
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  • thanks for the link... same sentiment as to why Ashcroft recused as the summation. And yes, his staff as well…
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  • All the above sources from Plame timeline: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/2/5/212837/3714 I promise this is the last I'll say on the whole matter...…
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  • my blog... not on your list... how on earth can I take over the world if you won't link to…
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  • and about that $750k Karl... Time reveals that Attorney General Ashcroft paid Karl Rove $746,000 for his work on three…
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  • It was granted by the man who appointed him, his friend and then Deputy Attorney General James Comey. (Attorney General…
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  • If you're looking for Fiction.. The Eight by Katherine Neville is a great read... incredibly detailed and the description of…
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  • speaking of fame and fortune susan... it appears your blogroll is missing a link... 🙂
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  • I think Kenny-boy would be a perfect choice.
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  • How could I turn down a request like that?? back when the Plame/ Gannon thing was breaking wide open and…
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  • I know the hubby doesn't really understand what I do... but I think that's more a creature of him trying…
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  • hey my compadre! I was just talking about you the other day... okay, typing... Madman rekindled my interest in Venezuela…
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  • exactly... so why Levin is making statements about "two years" and "everyone wants us to stay" is just beyond me…
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  • I admit I don't know what the exact correct answer is to fix this disaster, but neglecting the realities on…
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