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    Would you mind adding "Supreme Blog Goddess" to my handle while you're at it... or maybe "Complete Pain-in-the-Ass" is a…
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  • We walk alone it seems Only ourselves to hear our dreams Shadows and whispers fill our heads Too much pain,…
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  • Way to go Susan! If it turns out to be bogus, I would be more than happy... actually estatic to…
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  • good point infidel. then what is it that produces so many shootings in the states? canadians have just as many…
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  • fabulous, thanks chocolate! I'll give it a shot next weekend... something to look forward to for the FBC on Sunday…
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  • that was just from your part of town? I knew Philly was up there in terms of crime rates, but…
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  • not the suburbs... just Canada 🙂 although we have had a few shootings recently in the east and west ends…
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  • I love cottage cheese in pastries, although I haven't had a pie yet! My grandparents are Ukrainian and it's amazing…
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  • that shit is just sick. how the hell did fucking kids get automatic weapons anyway?? what is wrong with the…
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  • I was thinking Brie... but thanks to Mr. Gentle Crooner a maple Brie would be divine! Gotta salute the maple…
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  • What a heartening & sorrowful story... and there are far too many out there. The War on Minorities/ Drugs and…
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  • Wonderful news Jeff! Congrats to your aunts from this Canuck! I'm so glad you were able to be a part…
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  • It most surely is KO, thanks for the posting. I had a challenging childhood myself, but just last night I…
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  • my sentiments exactly. I'm too young to be old and too old to be young... so to hell with it,…
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  • we find you... now that we have initiated contact you will be subjected to a fierce background check (okay, done,…
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  • of the Incorrigible, Inconvenient & Exasperating Squads... can I propose a merger for efficiencies sake? We could even adopt an…
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  • Beautiful site Diane! I registered immediately, thanks so much for the invite. I look forward to perusing the site at…
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  • I am doing very well thanks for asking! I have been smelling flowers, petting dogs and chatting with you folks...…
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  • maybe.... I know, I know, bad spiderleaf. Be more responsible. You ain't a spring chicken anymore... but I just couldn't…
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