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    Although quite true, that's not something you hear everyday about a Rockefeller..
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  • How about doing what needs to be done, but not in such a politicized, public manner. As long as it…
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  • I kinda feel like this 'investigation' is best kept on the extreme DL. Our nation's image has suffered enough. Either…
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  • Excellent analysis.. and one that might even get these freaks to question themselves for a second.. if only they could…
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  • I don't agree that this woman's opinion is the 'real' Israeli right wing reaction. The NIE is NOT a betrayal,…
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  • "Dude, if I subjected every candidate's religion to the "he doesn't believe in something crazy" test I would never vote.…
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  • You are looking for a selfless Presidential Candidate? Good luck.
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  • I disagree with the politeness of the discussion of Mormonism. While people can believe what they want and I would…
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  • Hillary knows that Obama as VP guarantees her the Whitehouse, so she can't beat him too much or she might…
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  • Now that the surge has worked...
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  • U read it here folks! A Google(tm) search on surrealpolitik reveals no such luck.. Sucks living in this post-modern world..…
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  • Wha.. WHUT??!?  link?
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  • The Bush Doctrine.
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  • If a foreign policy is based on fantasy and delusion - the opposite end of the spectrum from  realism and…
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  • ..Or perhaps this is the only way that Iraq can be used as a bargaining chip for a play for…
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  • A success of the 'Wildman President' policy, no?
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  • Well, at least we know what they are up to on the 'official level'. I wonder what that is cover…
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  • It's Hunter S. Thomspon's fault.
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  • The Originak Gangster
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  • I think that the 'people' just haven't been directly challenged to participate in an effort that will bring change. Mass…
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