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    I would say that another significant roadblock to Peace is Israel's nature as a nation: An Ethnocentric Democracy. The nation…
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  • I just wish he'd give back Booman's beard when he's done with it.
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  • Paul Krugman is the court Jester for the Duchy of Princeton - home of the Big Pharma-owned Liberal. He's got…
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  • The term 'Universal Coverage' is a red herring. What's good about Universal coverage if the coverage sucks and it is…
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  • Venezuela's oil may move through a market or not, but the tankers go directly from his shores to ours. He…
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  • Groovy wax aside, it's all about the Woodford Reserve.
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  • Did your heater get blowed up wit dat townhouse de other day?
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  • Why does Bush escape some of the criticism that McCain gets for the same exact policies? It's all about the…
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  • Are mandates 'better'? Please explain. I have yet to hear the argument for mandates, yet it is a core principal…
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  • Powell has been in charge of Whitewashing not 1 but 2 of our nation's greatest shames : Powell and My…
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  • I like the way she wants to force me to pay taxes to the villian of 'Sicko'. I like the…
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  • caucuses are so interesting... Hardball politikin' that ensures that many, many people vote for someone they nvr intended to.
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  • Obama/Swartzenegger would be unstoppable. As would Obama/McCain. But my fantasy pick would be Obama/Kasparov. Yes! a REAL fantasy, but one…
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  • NO freakin' way!
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  • <BIG BOLD TYPE>FFS!</BIG BOLD TYPE&gt This explains his conversion to Catholicism.
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  • I'd check her toxicology - and I don't mean for recreational drugs..
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  • especially from cash-strapped McCain/GOP
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  • Bloomberg has a relationship with McCain apparently. He pretty much said he's out if McCain is the nominee, I believe.…
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  • Big, giant smiley face. Semiotics = Power The mighty flag can never release it's noble stars from their prisoner stripes.
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  • Just thin on it a bit and it is undeniable, Hillary is apparently habitually unaware of REALLY BIG things going…
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