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    MMMMmmm.. donuts...
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  • Patriots 34-10. Match-ups don't look good fer the New Jersey York  Giants. Maybe if they would just admit where they…
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  • Hhhm?
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  • If only the process WAS serious.. For my homey:
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  • Say it aint so! Perhaps the 'Tools' could get a lift from:
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  • Are American Capitalism and a strong environmental policy mutually exclusive as a practical matter? Is Christianity actually the 'Worldwide Jewish…
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  • Proliferation justifies nuclear-backed coercion?
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  • What you present implies that it is not security failure that will come in the form of a mushroom cloud,…
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  • Why make them do it? Perhaps if more 'activists' took it upon themselves to figure out what they could do…
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  • Not much to discuss... Rate is going down another quarter point at the next meeting... people can't get good return…
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  • The truth of what you've said is undeniable but it's not a big jump to the idea that this meme…
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  • Excellent news. One major point of contention would be the idea that we are somehow holding parts of the world…
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  • My liberal democracy died somewhere around 1981. Maybe I should move to Philly. I think we have different assumptions about…
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  • You don't see the scale of the military-industrial economy required to perform the role you describe, even at it's most…
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  • Well, then let's just keep going until we learn to get it right. Right? We could destabilize Indonesia pretty easily…
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  • Perhaps it's living under an empire that is the problem?
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  • Oh, and I love the Boo, too. Not only is he a straight shooter with more than a little to…
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  • ..and the sheep bleet as the corral fencing draws closer on either side. The sheep butts in fronts seem closer…
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  • ..and a big 'we told you so' rings out from the opponents of preventative warfare. ..and the sheep bleet as…
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  • Can we invade yet? Hunh? Hunh? From a comment here December 27th, 2007: Too Soon? (4.00 / 4) ...For the…
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