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    I luvs me some flattery. Be seriously, there are times to moderate the political discourse, but for me now is…
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  • You mean important person? Person you listened too? Someone you know personally did these in late 2001 - early 2003.…
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  • Boo is definitely down, for a cracker. But seriously, it should really be OK to discuss this from any perspective.…
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  • "And that is about as deep into the definition of blackness that I care to delve. " my point exactly.…
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  • ..to a toilet in a Minneapolis airport bathroom.
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  • I think there is a missed opportunity and an incoherency in this discussion: the fact that Obama IS NOT BLACK:…
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  • Are you saying they have a 'wide-stance'? Doesn't that conflict with the idea that they are 'tight-assed'?
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  • This guy does a grade C hatchet job on Bush, The Clintons, heck - everyone! - but it would be…
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  • I think Edwards WOULD go for it. It is in his character. This is a guy who is running on…
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  • Just another Bay Area Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy Nut, right?
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  • I only wish that would happen.. Jeb has some really good dirt in his past that has been kept as…
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  • If no one else has heard it elsewhere, I think I've coined a term!
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  • What did George Washington say about 'foreign entanglements' again? Kaos Americana's other major 'black budget' revenue sources: Drugs and Illicit…
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  • I suppose a health-related resignation is the ultimate impeachment insurance for Cheney, the more likely target of impeachment.
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  • Why Rudy? I'd think that they would want to ruin the election chances of someone they DON'T like.
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  • When you hold those 2 policies side-by-side, the cruelty of denying partners benefits is revealed. Excellent. Recommend!
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  • I'm pretty sure the racism connection is only because RP is the one candidate that will not resort to government…
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  • More of this please. Z-Big's analysis begs a few questions: Why does a isolationist America necessarily lead to global anarchy?…
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  • .. And we must consider the source. Iraq isn't the only country in the world who overstates it's powers and…
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  • Got a D'artagnan Organic 21 pounder for free from Shopright - it's a new era!
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