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    Remember when, in Middle School, you were asked to consider the question of how the everyday German could sit by…
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  • WOW! This war might end after all! If the Iraqis kick out the profiteers and leave only the military, we'll…
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  • New career for the Booman: SPEECH WRITER!!
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  • To be cryptic: we must raise the 'Army of the 12 Monkeys'...
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  • Nothing that can be written down here.
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  • Resistance to this cannot come from within the system any longer. It just makes America look good while not changing…
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  • His purpose is that of Nero. To burn, but not destroy Rome, so that he may rebuild it in his…
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  • Yes, American and Transnational energy corporations profit handily on this, but it won't last long. Reason #1. The market is…
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  • Are we ready to talk about WHAT WE REALLY ARE as a nation? How long can you continue to participate…
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  • It is not a new thought to keep a 'strongman' in control over the chaos that may ensue, despite knowing…
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  • Well, if we don't hear from OBL re: fake-nocity. Then it's probably not fake or he's dead or in jail.
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  • In Bush vs. Bin Laden world, you've either got to give up your beliefs and rights and side with Bush…
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  • Perhaps it is less important to demonstrate than to illustrate. Fire with fire and all that.
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  • Yah. And that problem he has with his arms being about 1/2 as long as they should be is a…
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  • What about this isn't true. If I were a pro-war rebublican and could see through Thompson's glitz, I'd be pretty…
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  • The more they spend the bigger pussies they are.
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  • Only if you look at the balance sheet for the government. If you look at the balance sheets of the…
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  • Why was any of this a high crime? Because we want his senate seat? Whether or not he stays is…
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  • It is definitely consistent with Stalemate and Occupation objectives that the Democrats resoundingly punish the GOP for what they have…
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  • "The Dems are reluctant to end this war because there is not enough political upside to it. " The Dems…
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