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    You want it straight? talk to Noam. You want operational truthiness, talk to the Esq.
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  • Sucha sad man. A living example of how the more pious a person's outward image, the more twisted their insides.…
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  • You are angry because the yankees SUCK and your $8.50 beer is shite recycled from teh 2nd tier urinal. Go…
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  • People have to know that there is a RECENT history of democratic subversion by the direct Ancestors of the current…
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  • I believe in the idea that two heads are better than one, so not only would I appoint a president,…
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  • No time soon, it is the source of tremendous relative power for Congression Republicans. Once they go against their President,…
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  • Feel like I've heard this before. If only Kucinich could take an apprentice with electability, then our party and the…
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  • IF Bush resigns, we get Cheney and more of the same. IF Cheney resigns, we get Pelosi!! Her corporatist credentials…
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  • Excellent point, Boo. Why is that? Because his party must also eventually reject/ignore him in order for the story to…
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  • I'm with you, but I think the chaos that would result is itself morally unjustifiable... Leaves those who wish to…
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  • Because the Dem's real job is to rehab the gov't's image at home and abroad, not change the broader policy.
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  • It's not odd at all that the Fascists dislike the UN, an organization set up as a reaction against them…
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  • What if America 'fell', but instead of disappearing, it revealed itself to be a transnational network of corporations, untethered from…
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  • I would include a 'none' category in the poll...
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  • Hey, Boo: Does your Bro still not believe in Global Warming?
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  • As far as the Phils being an outlyer and thinking we need to expand our role, the explanation is simple.…
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  • "While three-quarters of Americans think the United States is acting too much as a world-policeman and rejects the idea that…
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  • He looked like Mao for a moment.. A dangerous move.. Probably should have found one with a different color cover.
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  • We use Chinese labor to build Chinese crap to fill the trunks of our Ford Exploiters to fill the pockets…
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  • I won't be on, but I'd love the chance to ask what ever happened to the investigation into Options Contracts…
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