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    .. But absolutely NO permanent bases!
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  • Sound and Fury. I am afraid that the Dem leadership don't actually want to dismember the Unitary Executive, rather claim…
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  • And to quote Thoreau to Emerson upon his enprisonment for tax evasion in protest of an unjust War, you could…
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  • The only thing politicians like better than campaign donations are tax dollars. Threaten campaign cash, they'll just sell out to…
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  • ..and I'm no lawyer.. but wouldn't stopping funding go against, or be trumped by the war powers act's 90 day…
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  • Even if Cheney is prevented from pulling the End Around, it will only come to the next President to force…
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  • I'm sure part of the Dem's calculation is precisely that the War Funding debate empowers Repugs even in the minority.…
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  • I am totally serious here, we should amend the constitution with Jefferson's brilliant thought that it should be rewritten each…
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  • Sending the birthday bunch is part of the same general approach to/by the media: create so many different public versions…
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  • The discrepency between the 4 meals-a-day life of Americans and the average Iraqi's alimentation is probably not lost on the…
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  • Don't you think it is just too perfect that we can't end the war because the last election just happened…
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  • How is Franken a Carpet bagger? I believe he is from there. Just outside of Minneapolis I believe. Right near…
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  • FRANKEN will deliver a spankin' to all who oppose him. That Ciresi guy is evil, obviously if he stands against…
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  • Now?!!? At all the critical moments in the evolution of Al Q, we have provided one or any combination of…
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  • Accuracy in media is now much less important than creating an information environment in which the truth can be told,…
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  • Do you mind sharing the legal reasoning behind the denial of your benefits? My condition, lupus,  has flare ups and…
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  • Can I ask you which autoimmune disorder you suffer from? I have a nasty one myself and have always wondered…
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  • Terrorism is a tactic. It can only be stopped via the tactic of removing the incentive to martyr oneself. It…
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  • He'd make one damn fine president, but he is too 'normal', no? Not a bible-thumper, not obsessed with hot-button topics,…
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  • Hate to sound like a broken record here, but the only way we can defund the war is to defund…
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