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    Or Spector is a normal human that knows, for the good of his party, that the GOP has to start…
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  • It's not the message, it's the map. You can't get to heaven with a map of Cincinnati. As long as…
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  • Ron Paul. Sry.
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  • The Axis of Evil plus one: Four regimes to topple, each with unique problems to solve. Iraq had Oil we…
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  • I actually like the guy a lot, but then there is that self-professed War Criminal thing... Might not 'play in…
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  • It would be an interesting exercise to come up with a list of hypothetical situations that would require more Friedman…
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  • I would add to your critique of capitalism, the following: American Capitalism requires near constant economic expansion, or in otherwords,…
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  • And perhaps the very best part is that while the Media is obviously lying and carrying THEIR water, the Administration…
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  • Just wait another six months, please? I mean gosh! Such impatience and nervous nellies you lot are! - channelling Donald…
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  • I suppose that means you regard Baltimore as a Major League team. As a recovering O's fan, I can assure…
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  • We have not been defeated if the primary goal is military/economic occupation. The longer we are there, the more justified…
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  • Saratoga was 'mazing too. The only venue where I've seen security just 'give up' and let gate crashers in! Created…
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  • What's the guy's big negative, again? Oh, yeah. He's a self-proclaimed war criminal. Then again, Republican voters would probably go…
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  • That's so funny I saw him there too.. but I chalked it up to being a few weeks into a…
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  • It sure would be nice to say "My Senator IS a Rocket Scientist". Problem is that is as high as…
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  • Marry these incarceration rates with the wages paid prisoners to take manufacturing jobs away from 'free' Americans and you have…
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  • They are saying things like X percent of the munitions used to kill Americans are of Iranian manufacture. I wonder…
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  • I absolutely ADORE Philly. The city is full of actors paid to perform roles from various periods of history. This…
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  • The Madman President tactic is no theory - it was the stated neocon prescription for American leadership in the pre-9/11.
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  • I don't see how this disproves Iranian involvement. It also doesn't disprove Argentine involvement. Let's nuke the Falklands to glass.
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