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    Not all at once, now people. Well, getting some response from other sources at least. Thanks for the info.
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  • I don't know if it is vaccinations or changes in our environment that have lead to it, but I have…
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  • The method would be to first separate themselves politically via a safe cover issue such as immigration, then to cause…
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  • More Juicy stuff like this, please! It's a good read...
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  • All kidding aside, this is a more likely route towards escalating the regional conflict that the US military doing anything…
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  • Who has ruled the region in the 'recent' past and is NOT our sworn enemy (Iran is out)? Who is…
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  • Cape Town, South Africa. Gorgeous Dutch Colonial buildings, a tastefully developed waterfront, surrounded by incredible mountains that seem to shoot…
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  • Complexity arises in proportion to proximity...
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  • Glad to see the tinfoil hats' message is becoming canonized, at least here. It's a start. Oh, and the 'I…
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  • Did folks get the reference to the classic godfather hit scene when that one mysterious guy in the tan Members…
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  • Or the Rabbi in Roth's Plot against America...
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  • Perhaps the Turks are best able to rule Iraq. Shall we let them have it? 'At a Turk!
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  • Yah, Edwards is a lawyer. Being honest about being two-faced is their stock in trade. Let's be real. At the…
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  • Also, remember there were some interesting laws passed just after 9/11....
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  • True but how many payments have they made, just think of the interest saved alone - delay , delay, delay...
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  • True, no doubt, but wouldn't she have considered it to protect her hubby's business interests?
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  • He's the best! God save us from the rest!
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  • Christine Todd Whitman was the one who ordered it, but Cheney prolly ordered her. She also had personal conflicts which…
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  • Or it was planned from the start as a fund raiser, like the S&L crisis. When and how will they…
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  • Careful, that was against the law...
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