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    BRING BACK THE WELFARE QUEEN!! She was saving the world.
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  • Addressing half the problem by ignoring it away, the other will give you half the result you want. What more…
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  • I think the problem is two fold: there are already many, too many humans to be sustainable without 'mutation' of…
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  • ..then you don't want a single-payer system? Taxes are the method of force in all single-payer systems. It also happens…
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  • I think we could do worse than McCain vs Obama/Hillary. I don't know of a better choice in my life…
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  • PROFIT. When we have single-payer system, then mandates are just fine by me. Until then, I will literally fight to…
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  • Here in NJ I have filled out 3 separate voter registration forms and NONE of them has resulted in my…
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  • Interesting variation in the demographics between states for Edwards... Missing is the same data but for preferences by race and…
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  • Sigh... Weep... Well, to follow the Bush-ite methodology of 'disaster capitalism' it must be time to invest in providing specialized…
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  • So true. He would be firmly in the Clinton camp if it weren't for that instinct. He's right, too. If…
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  • I troll because i love...
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  • Is Obama battling for 'the hispanic vote' or is , as he insists, battling for all votes regardless of who…
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  • I offered to do so time and again.. silence.
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  • Whatever happened to The War Czar?
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  • I'd rather listen to old Walter Winchel tapes.. or is it the same thing?
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  • a man!
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  • I gotta say that if there is going to be an assasination, that it will take a page from the…
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  • Mingus = God-spawn come before his time. There were a few years where I had a hard time listening to…
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  • Bill Clinton would still be warming up in his famously onanistic oratory style. This guy hit all the points in…
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  • Shaming the clintons on every possible point in subtle, convincing terms, embracing the race issues they raised and turning it…
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