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    Thankfully, the level of cognition/skillz required to do as you've described is rarely available to the rank misogynist.
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  • Umm.. If you can't deal with de-PC-ification stop now. If we're going to talk/think about gender and race constantly in…
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  • There is no getting rid of these folks, i am afraid. It's about as fruitful a pursuit as trying to…
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  • Actually, our mail was one of the first to go.. I remember hearing of this within a few weeks of…
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  • I'll run against either of them.. Think I can claim i've been living on ,y Granny's couch in NYC long…
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  • THAT'S IT!!!! Perfect Obama add: "Who do you want answering the phone at 3:00 am?" Cut to picture of Laura…
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  • I dunno.. Robotic repetition of talking points worked for Bush' supporters and that's all I hear from HRC supporters. "There…
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  • That really depends on what you consider a Dem...
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  • I've heard that if you remove everything from your body that is genetically 'you', leaving all the worms and germs…
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  • I've heard that if you remove everything from your body that is genetically 'you', leaving all the worms and germs…
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  • Bravo.
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  • Bradley Effect? Winning Basketball championships?
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  • ..also not the same 'artist' did an 'assassination of B.O.' show as well  
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  • "Assassination" is red meat for a professional victim.
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  • Is it just me, or has Obama just dropped off the radar in terms of steering the debate since the…
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  • Pandora.com - the future of music... ..and automated information retrieval in general.. .. end geek-out ..
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  • The Dems have a long history of managing to lose 'in the bag' elections. I think you've pretty much described…
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  • For so many reasons... palingenesis n. resuscitation; rebirth; metempsychosis; exact reproduction of ancestral characteristics. palingenesian, palingenetic, a. palingenesist, n.
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  • well, not that it constrains the individual in any way, there are both morphological, behavioral and cognitive differences between the…
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  • IMHO, just as it is ridiculous to assume the 'average' traits of a vast population somehow constrain the traits of…
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