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    Yes.Yes.Noperooni. Not one for thinking about multiple possible realities until all the facts are in, I see. Well, as long…
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  • She's in TX best western concocting Hill-centric 'mysteries' to keep news focus on her.
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  • How'd this work out so far? There's no golden rule against going negative. It's just that you have to be…
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  • Can you all answer these questions in under 5 seconds and with a 'Yes' or a 'No'? Is it acceptable…
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  • Going negative against this man will not work well, if not hurt the Democratic campaign. He is Bob Dole redux,…
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  • The idea that the current East/West conflict is because of anything but our own doings is absurd and the #1…
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  • You are thinking of Bosnia
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  • Is no digression.. It's the evidence that there is a longer term plan at work, one that pre-dates 9/11 by…
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  • I'd like to promote some thought about Science Advisor as well.. 'Smartest Guy in the Room' Jeremiah Ostriker? The IPCC's…
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  • .. not until he returns booman's beard. And apologizes for selling out his integrity to big Pharma and Hillary Clinton.
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  • Kosovo's war for independence and both Russia and our motivates regarding this little speck of land is a fascinating story…
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  • What do the policies of Huckabee and the Dems have in common? Seems the elites are rigging this one to…
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  • The FDA is the single largest killer of Americans. One drug alone can easily kill off the same number of…
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  • I can see no returns online... you are seeing early returns??  Please feed THE HUNGER and post here..
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  • By brutally attacking their 'strengths': The Boom. This was an accident of timing. The budget surplus was an accident of…
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  • I wonder what Mr. Johnson's ties to unsavory characters are? I wonder if anyone HE knows has set a bomb…
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  • The trial will lead to nothing unless 'reasonable doubt' is not the standard to which the evidence is held. Torture…
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  • Too many votes with would have risked signalling the party supports immunity. Which it does. Just with no spine as…
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  • MORE PERMA-WAR!!! YAAAAAAY!!! >hoards opium<
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  • Fuckin' Heath Shuler - who let him think for himself? Oh wait, no one. The two parties' job is to…
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