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    Limited to hats in the ring: First Choice for President: Kucinich Second Choice for President: Barak Obama First Choice for…
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  • YES. This guys is a farce and if the MSM has been sidelining him, it just might be that they…
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  • .. or 'Reflation': cut taxes, constrain the budget but 'spend' via incentivizing the next bubble. But make the bubble a…
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  • I hate to actually write it down, but a false flag assasination operation could ensure just about anyone the White…
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  • !!!(so many reasons)!!! I kinda see them as the same where it counts, so a vote for Hillary is a…
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  • I thought Richardson dropped out...
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  • 1000 bonus Cool Points: His DJ is Questlove (aka ?) from The Roots!
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  • Dad? They don't shoot african-americans do they?
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  • ...For the U.S. invade to 'stabilize a nuclear power'? There's a pipeline to build.
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  • Without using Google: Who was the wealthiest man to sign the Declaration of Independence? Surely we know the man who…
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  • I didn't destroy the documents. I lit a fire. The FIRE destroyed documents.
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  • The perception is now that the Turkish and American Military-Industrial Complexes are drawing closer together. A perfect case of Perception…
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  • But insane?
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  • "How can use possibly argue that Kucinich is serious" You've been in Philly waaaaay too long, Boo.
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  • Please describe lunacy?
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  • I wonder what our first umpteen presidents who rarely showed their faces ANYWHERE during campaigns  would say about this?
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  • Perhaps there is something to that Choc.. but instead of making a new one, why not take over an existing…
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  • Paul Krugman is signing books at Market Fair at 7:00pm tonight just outside of Princeton, for those lucky enough to…
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  • .. and I thought this was about Congressional Dems
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