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    "That's not what joe is saying." He knows. "I know, I know..." is Brendan's tell.  He writes that when he's…
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  • Nope.  None. There are zero (0) American military personnel in Iraq.  They have all been withdrawn. I know this is…
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  • Glenn Greenwald is such a sorry little poseur.  No wonder you worship him. He holds forth for months on how…
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  • So what?  It isn't supposed to "do anything about peak oil."
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  • Very impressive appeal to authority. You really are incapable of thinking in any terms between "What team am I on?"…
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  • "The buck stops with the President." You think, and argue, in cliches.  You do this to blur or obscure meaning,…
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  • Not just the last combat troops; the last troops of any kind. We abandoned the bases.  We have no military…
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  • They were in a defensive crouch when they had huge majorities in both houses and a popular president. You can…
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  • "If they couldn't win the battle for hearts and minds over the past two years, why the f*ck do you…
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  • The concern about the mandatory-detention language - the section Obama issued the veto threat over, and which was removed.  That…
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  • Lisa Jackson has been drawing the noose ever-tighter.  It's coming from every direction.  The Clean Water Act to restrict mountain…
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  • Barack Obama's approval rating among Democrats is 78%. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval_among_democrats-1046.html Lemme guess - it's the 18.2% that disapprove that are "every…
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  • No, he focuses on the actual, existing political opposition. Imagine that.
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  • Polling Jeb Bush as part of a broader polling effort is a good way to get a baseline number.  It…
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  • Since the law the President is signing makes no changes whatsoever to current law about detentions, as a result of…
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  • But when you add them up, they're unbelievably far from what we need to address climate change. "What we need…
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  • The efforts, years before Durban, to push for a similar accord in Copenhagen. Neither of which amounts to a hill…
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  • The fascinating thing about that is that the White House has already said that if they are compelled to make…
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  • You are almost certainly right about the Republicans' motivation here. They don't want the pipeline; they want the issue.  They…
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  • If there weren't wingnuts attacking President Obama for his policy, would the end of the war have even been mentioned…
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