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    That would make sense, except that this doesn't really get them anything politically.
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  • When something is as politically nonsensical as this, I assume that it's not being done for reasons of political strategery.…
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  • "I am more upset with Eric Holder not going after any criminals on Wall Street..." You know, like FDR's Attorney…
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  • This comment says a whole hell of a lot more about you and your conception of politics than it does…
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  • supposed to relate to your "little fact check," or to what I just wrote? Or are you just randomly throwing…
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  • Well, yeah, the market collapse happened under Bush, and the recovery happened under Obama. Handy dandy chart: http://ycharts.com/indices/%5ESPX#zoom=5 That doesn't…
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  • Awww.  Poor baby. I'll give you a hug for ten grand.
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  • It won't even be 2012 for a month yet. Gingrich is getting going late, but it's not like he doesn't…
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  • Romney's pretty clean.  You've got to give him that.  He can plausibly go after Gingrich on this. I made a…
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  • Oh, he's got gigantic skeletons in the closet.  No question.  He's a target-rich environment for an opponent who wants to…
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  • Why? 1994, that's why. Newt Gingrich actually led a large-scale electoral victory effort - and not just one that fizzled.…
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  • They largely broke for Obama in 2008. And then he &$%*ed them.  I love that. It's interesting to look at…
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  • Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.  Ask Presidents Huckabee, Gephardt, Harkin, Dole (88) and Bush (80).
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  • They only deal with big business now. That's why BoA has to make ads about loans it made in the…
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  • People who don't spend way too much time on political web sites don't know about it. But if he wins…
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  • But Geov, sixty or seventy years ago, they used to lend to small businesses.
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  • They're pushing back against a highly-successful project that's been going on for 60 years in Washington.
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  • A transportation problem that is made so much worse because of the migration of jobs to auto-dependent suburbs.
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  • That fossil Gingrich is still stuck in the 1990s.  He's talking about that beloved right-wing concept, the "culture of poverty."…
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  • As always, a terrific comment. There are institutional forces in the military and intelligence communities that are longing to keep…
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