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    You, meaning, the universal pronoun.  "You take a left at the bowling alley to get to the supermarket."  The equivalent…
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  • Every quote I provided was real, Arthur. Shouting "hey, look over there!" isn't going to make those quotes "not all…
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  • You can click on a commenter's handle, and their page comes up.  You can then click on their comments, and…
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  • I thought I made myself clear, but I guess not.  Third time's the charm: I'M NOT TALKING EXCLUSIVELY ABOUT TIMING.…
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  • The experience of being poor and white is not the same as being poor and black. Oh, absolutely, but it's…
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  • Wow, way to miss the point.  I'll spell it out for you: people often have better things to do that…
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  • obviously a troll, don't feed. comment just designed to inflame. worthy of note, however, that an opportunity to pit white…
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  • I do loveloveLOVE how you willfully ignore the point black folks are making. You mean the one I acknowledged and…
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  • And what is the source of the data that says that there is a lack of racial and ethnic diversity…
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  • Basing your understanding of black public opinion on the opinion of what a celebrity-Ivy League college professor said on the…
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  • The fact that black folks don't participate in a movement that's open to everyone is that movements fault? Yes.  Something…
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  • "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." -…
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  • Some caucasians have known this stuff, but surely you've noticed, your experience and the insights it's given you are fairly…
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  • There's more than one role for political activists to play. OWS has changed the national conversation about economic issues.  That…
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  • the abominable way white ows-ers are treating black folks Honest question: what are you talking about? Could you give me…
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  • If the Bush tax cuts are never allowed to expire, I'll be upset about that. But why should I care…
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  • This is the first time I have ever seen someone who purports to hold a leftist viewpoint claim that a…
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  • The sentiment is understandable, but is it really a useful basis on which to build one's response? A whole hell…
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  • And, of course, any choice or practice that you, personally, don't engage in is "idiocy." And yet, I don't ever…
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  • When I was in city planning school, they taught us that you can't bring a final product to people and…
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