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    No one will ever accuse you of being on the "lack all convictions" side of that divide, Arthur.
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  • Yes, some domestic bases closed. There was also, within five years of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf…
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  • He showed no anger or resistance, he acted as if nothing was going on, almost as if he was colluding…
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  • Never again. Bet on it. Never again. Thank you for your naked assertions of your own superior vision, but they…
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  • That has destroyed al Quaeda more than the drone strikes carried out by the US. This is one of the…
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  • Agreed.  Libya will very likely be a one-off situation, not a precedent.  The Libyan people, the Arab League, the UN,…
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  • In 2004-2005, there as a tiny, itty bitty fringe that was outraged about Afghanistan. I suppose if you're counting the…
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  • People forget, indeed. http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/spending_chart_1990_2015USk_11s1li1181020_550cs_30t_30_Defense_S pending_Chart Name checking military operations you didn't like doesn't change what we can see on that…
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  • Hillary's got the easier job.  She doesn't have to deal with Republicans to do her job. She has done a…
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  • Back in aught-one, the Republicans liked to crow about how the fastest-growing states and fastest-growing counties were all deep red.…
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  • Remember when Tom Delay had the state legislature redraw the Congressional map to create more "safe" Republican districts, and then…
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  • And like Thomas Friedman, you can only think in vapid cliches that have nothing whatsoever to do with how politics…
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  • I can understand it when nobodies on internet comment threads think that their preferred policy agenda happens to also be…
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  • That little diamond south of Iraq - that's Iran, right? Shoot, we can kick the snot out of them!
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  • It will grow, of course. Always a new enemy. Always. That's not what happened after the Soviet Union collapsed.  People…
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  • Santy Claus, why?  Why are you taking my Medicare program?  Why? There's a light that won't light on one side.…
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  • Odd that Wall Street doesn't agree with you, then. They just looooooove Dodd-Frank.
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  • How can the President be the most powerful person in the world, yet have to walk over broken glass to…
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  • And Chait has credibility how? Chait's credibility only matters to the extent that he asks us to trust him.  He…
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  • Talk Left are the equivalent of those conservatives who are just certain that white, Christian men are being persecuted. They…
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