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    There's that, too, but even on the level of "What would be best?" there were a significant difference of opinion.
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  • So now that we know that, yes, Obama really was withdrawing the troops from Iraq, there's another question we need…
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  • It's usually best to use definitions reasonably close to the common parlance.  That way, your language can have meaning for…
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  • I spent the last 3-1/2 years understanding that this was happening.  We were withdrawing from Iraq in March 2009; and…
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  • Actually, I'd say that "missive fail" works just fine in your context.
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  • I love the idea of Democrats putting as much as they can into organizing and boots on the ground, but…
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  • Isn't it the opposite? Broad popular movements like OWS don't come out of presidential rhetoric.  Rather, presidential rhetoric gains traction…
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  • The consensus among political scientists and media researchers in support of this position is roughly equivalent to the consensus among…
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  • he used to the bully pulpit to no end on the issue that was at the time and still is…
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  • Being good instead of evil limits your options.  It's true. Boo-hoo-hoo.  That's not fair, etc.
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  • Since Bush left office, we've so far avoided digging the hole deeper with our detainee problem. The Guantanamo situation sucks,…
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  • I hate the choice forced on the Democrats to either unilaterally disarm or knuckle under to big donors.
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  • I agree that they make fascinating reading. Unfortunately, you and I seem to be in the minority. "Next on the…
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  • Well, BooMan, it looks like OWS has come up with an answer to your question: http://www.salon.com/2011/11/30/occupys_next_frontier_foreclosed_homes/ Where to they go…
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  • Take, for example, the Wikileaks cables. We talked about the contents of those cables for about two days, and then…
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  • I realized something yesterday: I don't want to talk about OWS' strategy.  I don't want to talk about police tactics.…
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  • Sign me up for "trillions of Euros in new money," please. Like, yesterday.
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  • That is so weak. "I don't understand what this criticism means.  (He actually says this, explicitly: he doesn't know what…
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  • I need the Bengals to lose so I'm rooting for Cleveland - cognitive dissonance ad infinitum Don't do it! A…
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  • I ordered Moby-Dick as an e-book from Amazon today. Amazon readers give Moby-Dick four stars.  Out of five. They don't…
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