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    Newt Gingrich is a much more-skilled politician than Romney, but Romney is a better matchup against Obama. But, seriously, you're…
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  • if Ron Paul wins the Iowa caucuses because of Obama 2008-ish enthusiasm, then why should we believe that he can't…
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  • I just don't understand Republicans.  Anything can happen. This.  Who the hell knows how these people think?  They're not like…
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  • Well, this, for starters:  Paul's campaign dies in the South because he doesn't want to kill brown people for Jeebus.…
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  • Er, no, it's actually a more-of-less universal phenomenon in elections with an incumbent president.
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  • Er, reply to fladem.
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  • "There is an eon between now and the caucus - and virtually anything can happen." There's three weeks.  "It's too…
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  • Let me get this straight: you're positing a world in which Ron Paul wins the Iowa caucuses, and then confidently…
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  • It's a big deal that that Zionist/Likudnik line is now being spoken by the frontrunner for a major American party's…
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  • I think Democratic enthusiasm will pick up when there's a specific candidate to focus on.
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  • Rachel Maddow is of the opinion that he's just not very good at his job. She might be onto something.
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  • Arthur Gilroy helpfully published a clinical description of sociopaths in a recent comment about Newt Gingrich: http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html You're talking about…
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  • Molehills. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqGEbF7Qyn4&NR=1&feature=endscreen
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  • I wonder if we might not see reverse coattails in those states, with people who are furious at the Republicans…
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  • Al Gore's flawed battle design was a lot more widespread than that! Ba-dum-bum!
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  • I agree about Gingrich.  I've been struck my some of those traits. The ability to lie cooly.  Seeing others as…
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  • IOW, you're talking about how the government behaves in the fight against al Qaeda, which is the actual problem, and…
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  • By whom?  By what process?   By the executive, through the same process they currently use. Under what criteria?  With…
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  • There is nothing in the bill that bears any resemblance to preventive detention.  The entirety of the "covered persons" sections…
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  • Like I said, there are actual problems with the bill. We don't need to make up any more. And while…
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