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    I never really got the outrage of an American citizen being killed by the government ... See 6/23/14 Empty Wheel…
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  • NYTimes 2nd Bridge Inquiry Said to Be Linked to Christie.  Investigation by the Manhattan DA and SEC into the Port…
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  • Thank you. Not sure all that many others are ready to hear it. Was looking back at the series I…
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  • Flip/superficial blog comments are easy and I'm often guilty of that.  Electoral politics are on one level easy and another…
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  • Nuclear power falls apart on cost and risk if the entire fuel cycle is included in the equation.  Add in…
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  • "Decent and relatively young" are good assets for any POTUS candidate, but may be particularly so in 2016 as many…
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  • Uh, Gore won.  And is better at passionate speech making than most.   The best at retail politics IMHO is…
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  • Thanks.  It wasn't a rock the house type of speech or delivery; so, wouldn't expect a passionate reception from the…
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  • Have long said that Hillary is tone-deaf, both literally and figuratively.  It's why she is a weak candidate on the…
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  • While I wouldn't put team Clinton above having any involvement in the "whitey tape" hoax, am going to give the…
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  • Guardian interview link ... America's glaring income inequality is certain to be a central bone of contention in the 2016…
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  • My first quick and dirty check is that he's good on all issues except nukes.  No public statements in 2002…
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  • Do you have a link to the video?  I can't find it.
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  • Only if you want to diminish his chances ever to become POTUS.  
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  • Dislike boomarking/referencing anything written by conservatives wrt to the policies and/character of Democrats, liberals, leftists, but in The Victimology of…
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  • As an old white broad, I find it immensely frustrating that white Democrats give the Clintons a pass on their…
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  • Three days ago WSJ Why the U.S. Needs to Lift the Ban on Oil Exports.  Alaska crude oil production has…
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  • What I neglected to include is that generally the age when kids get their first crappy job is related to…
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  • The bar for "good enough" SOS is so low, that it's sort of pathetic that so few have achieved it.…
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  • Knowing only that Will compares Obama to George III is enough for me not to bother reading it.  His first…
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