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    Should also point out that one reason it can work is that it's not only not an expected line of…
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  • Thanks for the link.  The "wow, Megyn Kelly takes Cheney to the woodpile" response among many on the left side…
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  • Recent reports are that he's back in Iran.  Disgusted with Maliki. I'm thinking they could dig up Saddam.
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  • Perhaps I should have said who puts the checks in his hand.  He just has this unfortunate habit of not…
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  • Digby: The ultimate goal within reach? Or Back to the Future:  As US support for replacing Maliki increases ("regime change"…
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  • but should be: Revel Casino Warns Employees of Possible Closure. ... In warning letters given to employees and obtained by…
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  • It's not Biden's plan but Peter Galbraith's.  Not exactly a disinterested party. Many problems with it including who gets the…
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  • This reads like Palin on ludes: One of the most important I think that can happen today, Lynn Jenkins's bill,…
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  • Wonder what sources Time consulted to put Walker the list.  Tea leaves?  Ouija boards?  They didn't commit the sin of…
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  • April 2014:  Time magazine names Scott Walker one of 100 most influential people of 2014 Today:  Prosecutors accuse Scott Walker…
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  • Such a choice would be an improvement over what we've had for the past dozen years which was "wreck the…
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  • Yes, understand she's a Faux presenter, but some on the left side of the aisle have been claiming that she…
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  • As Pierce says, "I think we're gonna need another alternative."  (The we being those that viewed Schweitzer as the alternative…
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  • iirc Matthews opposed the Iraq War until General Wesley Clark penned What Must Be Done to Complete a Great Victory…
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  • The GOP has been selling "government is the problem, not the solution for thirty-four years.  At an unconscious level, it's…
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  • Public humiliation these days seems to do wonders for one's resume and future fortunes.  George is a bit old to…
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  • Set aside all spontaneous visceral responses (including nausea and outrage) and all the known, and endlessly regurgitated, actual facts about…
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  • His number one priority was continuing to rescue the banksters.  That was in his year one.  Year two was a…
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  • You call me "clueless" and consider that some form of legitimate argument and then accuse me of being out of…
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  • Cute.  But easy to miss within the context of Decision Grenada.  (That's a good 'This American Life' episode if you…
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