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    Kagan's wife Victoria Nuland did very well at State under Hillary Clinton.
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  • Let's also not forget this horrid woman's hiring of Victoria Nuland.
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  • Juan Cole lost me with his full-throated support for military intervention in Libya to give that country the "gift" of…
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  • Time to stick forks in all these lying scumbags.  David Geffen had Ms. Clinton's number way back when (not that…
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  • Minor correction: They aren't responsible for arming the Sunni insurgents that are overrunning Iraq. Western powers did play a role…
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  • "Some Like It Hot" is probably my favorite comedy as well.  Was Jack Lemmon ever not wonderful in any movie?…
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  • Third vote for Wilder -- if he gave us nothing other than "Some Like It Hot," he'd go on the…
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  • How would you describe Ang Lee's genre? Other than being extremely well made movies, can't see any common thread, much…
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  • Or bamboozle them into enlisting.  Must remember that most of those who died in Vietnam had enlisted.
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  • How many Democrats and liberals that were completely outrage (if not consumed) with the imapeachment and in early 1999 the…
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  • Stonekettle: ... Sure, let's go back to Iraq. Oh, yes, let us do that. I'll dig out my uniform and…
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  • Well, those who have actually, you know, read the sacred texts of Islam, claim that it too is a religion…
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  • From David Ferguson at Raw Story, The seven people who need to STFU about Iraq right now 1. Andrew Sullivan…
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  • Probably many.  Me for one.  I did my slugging it out on primaries at dKos beginning in late 2002.  
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  • So, would it be unreasonable to speculate on the possibility that McLaughlin did pull polling in Cantor's district?  Guess that's…
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  • The DCCC and DNC so ignored this race that Brat barely has a general election opponent.  After handing Democrats victories…
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  • He will not be sleeping like Eric Cantor was. Molly Redden and David Corn at Mother Jones David Brat, the…
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  • How would those that weren't here in 2007-2008 know that if someone in the know doesn't rub it in?  
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  • The interview is NPR June 2014.
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  • The one above appears to a State Dept Office. Probably hers at the time.  Likely the only SOS to laugh…
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