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    That would be the Ford/Kissinger playbook - from Charles Pierce: We've seen something this movie before. After the settlement that…
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  • More for Democrats to ignore -- on NPR: CLINTON: ...And that was my biggest challenge. You know, Henry Kissinger is…
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  • Sorry if I misunderstood.  Read it recommending that Obama use Ford's evacuation playbook.  Not a good idea as Ford's evacuation…
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  • Historical memory, even among those that were there, is not a strength of Americans.  It's a reason why USians can't…
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  • Democrats don't want to know what a President Clinton would do.  They only want to win in 2016.  Then come…
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  • They're moving into position to trash Obama's war.  GWB/Cheney won it and then Obama lost it.  By 2016 they'll be…
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  • So many unlearned lessons from the Vietnam War, but to compare North Vietnamese forces to ISIS is an insult to…
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  • US Army Europe U.S. Army Europe multinational exercises ensure interoperability with our current, and potential, coalition partners, and for working…
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  • Then there's tone deaf Ms. Clinton forewarning someone: Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Council of Foreign…
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  • ActivistGuy cuts to the chase: I'm just glad that the American people were able to stop the rush to set…
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  • Not according to would-be-Potus McCain who said today: "The president should get rid of his entire national security team, including…
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  • How did this become the conservative position: life of a human being "begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent."…
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  • Cantor: Chronicle of a Death Foretold.  Or at least a big fat, bloody lip.  And Tea Party success beyond their…
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  • Have you considered Boise, ID?  Not a pocket of blue in a very red state but more pink.  Cost of…
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  • Why would she have massive coattails? And with Hill-Bill taking over the Democratic Party, they will make sure that progressives…
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  • Alternatives don't exist because team Clinton is working to suck up all the political oxygen and they are being aided…
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  • Add "easy access" to major airport for travel to NorCal and Europe to your list of criteria.  Newport Beach/Irvine is…
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  • Suggest more research before your next move.  With Focus on the Family and the AF Academy headquartered there even I…
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  • Are the efforts to spin it "not about immigration" larger than the efforts to spin it "about immigration?" Brat ran…
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  • As long as it's not about sex, hypocrisy never hurt a GOP incumbent.
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