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    Which brings us back to the question, was the abduction of Khattala (or any of the suspected terrorists in the…
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  • Your example of a foreign government given permission to abduct residents of Bunkerville was so ludicrous that it wasn't worth…
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  • Saw one report that estimated ISIS's known financial assets are upwards of half a billion dollars.
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  • It's virtually impossible for anyone reared in authoritarian, violent, patriarchal societies not to have an unconscious impulse in that direction.…
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  • A narrow decision as most decisions are.  Had the minority been the majority, they might have re-visted the earlier precedent(s)…
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  • High marks for at least attempting to think it through and not attacking me for having a different opinion as…
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  • The world is not a just place.  Wall St. crooks get a pass.  Rich drunk kids that kill with their…
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  • Check out United States v. Alvarez-Machain to see that you agree with Scalia and Thomas on this issue.  I'm with…
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  • See United States v. Alvarez-Machain You agree with Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.  I agree with John Paul Stevens.  Stevens…
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  • I'm uprating your comment because NickT gave you an unwarranted downgrade. But I don't understand what his "reasonable argument" was.…
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  • Can any government okay the abduction of one of its citizens by a foreign government?  Not according to international law.…
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  • Why does my position/prejudice/bias that abductions are offensive strike you as nit picking and a superior pose?  Whatever the Libyan…
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  • In this: ...if a country did abduct Cheney and bring him to trial, they would necessarily be acting lawlessly, or…
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  • Because without the details it is unknown if this guy is anything other than a head offered to appease Americans.…
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  • If the Libyan government signed off on the abduction (a guess on your part as neither the US nor Libya…
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  • Abduction. If there were a sealed indictment in some foreign country against say Cheney for war crimes, would it be…
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  • I read the US State Dept report on the Benghazi attacks.  Did you?  I'm also on record as not having…
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  • I'd say any of those snatched anywhere under Bush and sent to Guantanamo is analogous.   Ramzi Yousef was arrested…
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  • Most of it's tiny fleet was destroyed by NATO in 2011.  So, it will take a while for Libya to…
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  • We're not discussing a hypothetical.  It happened.  And the Obama administration refuses to release all the relevant details. I'm talking…
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