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    Cute.  But easy to miss within the context of Decision Grenada.  (That's a good 'This American Life' episode if you…
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  • My bad, the link should have read "Grenada" not Iraq.  The correct answer was "invade."
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  • Reminds me of that time when Enron was the #1 company in the country.  A JPM offshore SPE, special purpose…
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  • nauseous: 1:  causing nausea or disgust :  nauseating 2:  affected with nausea or disgust Discussion: Those who insist that nauseous…
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  • Bremer did make the his seemingly incompetent predecessor, Garner, look good.
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  • Fox invites NFL analyst Terry Bradshaw on air to talk about Benghazi/ Not being an NFL fan, it's possible that…
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  • We should know better.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I did give GWB credit for his seemingly spontaneous response when…
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  • Yes, I read it.  A decent enough piece for Bloomberg.  Reminds me a bit of way back when Americans were…
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  • When you lie your country into a war that leads to utter catastrophe, you've earned a lifetime right to being…
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  • Tomgram Ariel Dorfman, A Tale of Torture and Forgiveness. What a way to celebrate Torture Awareness Month! According to an…
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  • Libya says US violated sovereignty with Benghazi suspect capture ... "The government condemns this regrettable infringement on Libya's sovereignty," Foreign…
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  • Dwindling oil reserves in Baghdad lead to soaring prices worldwide ... The crisis caused by the sudden advance of the…
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  • Well, at least that half million watch includes the labor cost of current workers.  Doesn't change the issue of should…
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  • Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station is properly outraged. This post has been removed. It has removed because a number of…
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  • They're sheltered from the reality that most people don't want a federal government shutdown.  But just because it bit the…
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  • Should have been apparent that I meant the general public swallowed the it's not torture line. Well, "the law" can…
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  • "Legal nicety" -- a trial but not a jury of one's peers, a court appointed attorney but not with the…
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  • Are they over-reading Brat's win over Cantor?  Sort of like GWB daring to touch the "third rail" and proposing to…
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  • No extradition treaty with Libya.  None needed to detain and extradite a US citizen that has perpetrated a crime against…
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  • You and I may be talking past each other due to fundamentally different orientations and interpretations of the Khatalla case…
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