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    Check this out - NPR June 2012 CLINTON: Because of the eight years that preceded us. It was the economic…
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  • Things I missed the first time around: Her words from that ABC article in 2008. "And I believe that at…
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  • After all these years, this still makes me want to puke: If those that sorted through the available public information…
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  • Interesting to see the number of voices here that mimic those of the 12th and 13th Centuries.  Attempting to recapitulate…
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  • In accordance with the agreement put in place at the end of the Bush/Cheney regime.  Obama's role was the timing…
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  • Robin Yassin-Kassab's report could hardly be considered unbiased.  Also wrong in stating as of 2011 that the Assad regime can't…
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  • What do Christian churches say to their boys as they go off to war?  Sounds like the same rot to…
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  • Given the 20th century massacres and slaughters by "modern" peoples, your claim is weak.  
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  • Seems to me that it was US Christians assisted by a small group of Zionist Jews that killed and maimed…
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  • GMAFB -- Can't imagine anywhere that the "holy men" wouldn't be preaching the same message if their community was under…
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  • If TV "news" played just the 2/21/03 McCain/Hannity clip included in the Chris Hayes segment with Barney Frank --MSNBC video…
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  • I should have been more precise -- access to birth control is overwhelmingly accepted by the public.  Scalia-Thomas-Alito may be…
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  • From the observant eyes of Robert Fisk: Iraq Crisis: Created by Bush & Blair and Bankrolled by Saudi Arabia: "Bush…
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  • "Griswold" has always been on their agenda.  Not a new effort at all.  It was just a bigger nut than…
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  • Adjust your snark detection meter.
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  • Notice that the rate of these incidents has gone up with the passage of Obamacare?  Didn't have so many "disturbed…
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  • Agree completely with everything you said except for your first clause.  Cantor's district was modified only slightly in 2011.  Removed…
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  • And those are related and not separate issues for them.
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  • Didn't the GOP play taps for the Democratic Party in late 2004?  Doesn't the GOP still control the House and…
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  • Doesn't the Bloomberg piece begin with the (convenient) assumption that the majority of eligible voters are politically "center right?"  Therefore,…
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