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    Gingrich may be "stronger than most on the left think"...but that's not saying much. After watching Bill Clinton utterly eviscerate…
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  • MomSense, thanks for this.  Great stuff. As for a "new definitional story", this is by no means the only one…
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  • Gotta disagree on this one, tom allen.  The 99% have literally hundreds of nonviolent tactics available for use. Again, Gene…
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  • FYI, one purpose of these tactics (pepper spray, beatings with batons, etc.) is to, in effect, provoke a riot---that then…
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  • Can we?  Of course.  There's no easy way to do it, but it can be done. The nonviolent discipline of…
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  • Somewhat off-topic, but I just want to give a shout-out to the UC Davis student (or students) whose leadership led…
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  • More good stuff from the sage of North Carolina. Also, it provides an excuse for me to plug one of…
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  • Yeah, I don't disagree.  I think the more important point is that successful movements rely on a broad array of…
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  • Compound F, I share your anger.  So do lots of people on the left. So...great.  We're angry.  And we can…
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  • I think you give too much credit to the powers of the presidency in general, and to Nixon and Obama…
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  • Here's one contribution to the discussion I found helpful: http://www.thedemocraticstrategist.org/strategist/2011/11/the_civil_rights_movements_suc.php#comment s Key point:  "The Civil Rights Movement's success was based…
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  • Excellent comment, thank-you. One minor point about Obama and the Great Recession:  Yes, he and his advisers underestimated the depth…
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  • Another interesting post, Booman. Looking on the bright side, there are the examples you give of the countercultural becoming cultural.…
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  • He's always been so fair-weather.   (That's the short answer.  The longer answer is that he's similar to David Brooks…
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  • True.  But just for the record, he traded a 2 year tax cut extension for about $400 billion in extended…
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  • Actually, history is full of examples of state (or state-sanctioned) violence crushing popular movements. That doesn't mean it will necessarily…
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  • GreenCaboose, I agree that there are a number of reasons why a straight comparison between 2007 and 2011 of donors…
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  • Thanks for the response.  Let me clarify: I'm not taking comfort in the death of old conservatives.  I'm doing my…
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  • Good point, dataguy.  Thomas Jefferson once argued that the main difference in the outcomes of the American and French Revolutions…
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  • FWIW, I don't think it will be a quick and easy process.  I expect it will take several years, and…
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