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    Good post, Booman.  Between Sheldon Adelson and Steven Colbert, it's slowly becoming clearer what a potential game-changer the Citizens United…
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  • I enjoy politics as spectator sport as much as the next person, and it's been a very entertaining few days.…
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  • Because Mainers don't like Southerners any more than South Carolinians like Yankees. (That's gross over-generalization on my part...but that's not…
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  • " It would have been nice to have all this activism when it mattered, like in October 2010." I understand…
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  • Thanks, Tarheel Dem.  That's a sermon Dr. King would have been proud of.
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  • I agree with much of what you say here.  Although, for example, the nonviolent revolutions around the world over the…
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  • Interesting post, Booman.  I talked this morning with one of the savviest political observers I know.  He lives in Virginia…
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  • Charles Pierce has an interesting take on all this:  "Should reporters in the field point out that Willard Romney is…
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  • Not to mention that the Bill of Rights wasn't in the original Constitution.  (That's why they're called "amendments".)
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  • Lucky you, rikyrah.  At least you got a 48 hour window on the "I hate that!" food change cycle.  (Ours…
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  • Thanks for the detailed response.  According to the intertubes, 1988 was the year Rev. Jackson won nearly 30% of the…
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  • I haven't given it much thought, but on the surface at least, there seem to be some similarities:   *a…
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  • Really?  Christie is a technocrat?  Can we get some confirmation of this by our Jersey/mid-Atlantic contributors? From afar, Christie has…
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  • AG, serious question.  How is Ron Paul's 2012 campaign fundamentally different from (or similar to), say, Rev. Jesse Jackson's 1988…
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  • If the Paul and Romney campaigns have an understanding, this speaks well for the Romney campaign's strategic vision.  They benefit…
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  • My own .02 is that Obama's #1 "opponent" is the economy.  If personal income growth, unemployment and GDP growth flatline…
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  • And even if you give Texas to Gingrich, Romney still has CA, FL, NY, IL, MI, OH, PA.  Yes?
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  • Actually, Booman's scenario assumes Gingrich not dropping out once he has clearly lost.  ("Even if Gingrich and Paul remain obstinately…
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  • I, too, bow in awe at the mighty Cowbell analogy.   I'll also add the "demography is destiny" angle: *Each…
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  • I agree that the economy is the key issue in determining November's election.  And nobody knows what will happen in…
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