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    One could look at the last two generations of US history and conclude that the civil rights movement has failed.…
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  • Ron Paul may be a lot of things but, with all due respect, I fail to see how he's "bulletproof"…
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  • Joe from Lowell, I've got to agree with Hurria and Tarheel Dem on this one.  Especially when you consider how…
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  • Some synonyms for "odious" listed in my dictionary:  abominable, despicable, execrable, loathsome. You might prefer other (or additional words) to…
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  • Booman, I think you're being unfair in suggesting that Americans Elect would settle for candidates "at least as accomplished as…
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  • Actually, the presenter apparently argued quite forcefully that it wasn't the assignments; it was that different teachers can give different…
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  • I know a principal who went to a workshop where the presenter began by putting up a hypothetical list of…
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  • I thought more to the point than an individual decision by one government about domestic economic policy, it was intellectuals…
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  • Wasn't the UI extension part of that deal too?
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  • I enjoy political speculation about as much as anyone, but I think at this point it's probably best (both for…
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  • Another option for Obama is making recess appointments the next time the House and Senate take a day off (even…
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  • Just for the record, "Throw the bums out" is nothing new in American (or other countries') politics. Many years ago,…
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  • Here's where President Obama's "Rope-a-Dope"/counterpuncher approach to politics may be helpful. Given: -Congress' record-low approval ratings in public opinion surveys;…
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  • Yeah, me too.  I could buy Romney not knowing it's a Klan phrasing.  I could even buy most or all…
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  • Steve M. linked to a source above.  It's an excerpt from Amilcar Shabazz's 2004 book, "Advancing Democracy", a history of…
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  • In Romney's defense, he's no KKKer. On the other hand, based on the evidence Steve M. provided, this is a…
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  • Just remember, this is the country that elected Nixon, Reagan, and W. Bush...and then re-elected them.  I don't think it's…
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  • Returning to the main point ("We need a landslide or nothing is going to change much"), even if Obama wins…
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  • Delonjo, aside from a laundry list of legislative accomplishments from the 111th Congress, you could try this thought experiment:  imagine…
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  • If you have evidence that "our educational system has gone down the drain", by all means, please provide it. Because…
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