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    I'd take that bet because you're mostly (not completely) wrong.   Just out of curiosity, what do you use for…
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  • Okay, thanks for clarifying.  My own .02 is that there's a significant (though, mercifully, shrinking) faction in American society for…
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  • I can't (and won't) speak for zizi, but speaking as someone who's lived without a television for some decades now…
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  • I don't know what your definition of "the time warranted" is, but given the 1968 and 1972 campaigns of George…
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  • Was Huey Long doing more?
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  • Speaking just for myself, I think religion can and should be subjected to the same criticism as any other set…
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  • Yeah, I see your point.  On the other hand, how many Catholics (of a certain age) do you know who…
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  • Which, among other things, is a humorous way to make what I think is an important point for us lefties…
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  • Speaking as someone with more experience than most in dealing with doctors who are political cranks, I don't think Paul…
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  • Could be.  A third party that gets less than 20% (and most likely less than 10%) of the national vote,…
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  • Re: Obama doing something "truly courageous and progessive" in foreign policy/national security Am I correct you mean in addition to:…
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  • More to the point, to the extent anyone in Washington is "godfather" to the environmental movement, it's Senate Democrats like…
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  • Given how many 1990s Republican members of Congress have endorsed Gingrich for campaign, I'm beginning to think that to know…
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  • Don't tell Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News, but Obama's hiring decisions are straight from the Saul Alinsky playbook.…
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  • Not to mention the "don't throw me in the briar patch" moments: *the "More Perfect Union" speech that ended the…
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  • If I remember correctly from Rick Perlstein's (excellent) "Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus",…
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  • Well said. Slightly off-topic, but I look forward to a post about what a strong "closer" Obama is: 2007 -…
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  • Here's the problem Ron Paul faces.  In the 1980s and 90s, when all he had to rely on for income…
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  • Well, I think we both know that people who can speak and write clearly and elegantly are also capable of…
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  • P.S.  And delivering the keynote address at the John Birch Society's 50th anniversary celebration just 3 years ago isn't the…
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