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    Excellent post, Booman.  Thanks. Just as a matter of analysis, when you "count the ways" the power of the American…
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  • When I read comments like this one, I'm reminded that for the true believer "conservatism can never fail; it can…
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  • "And you wonder why I liked Hillary Clinton for preznit better than I did Obama?"   Really?  The Hillary Clinton…
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  • Sure, just google "Ron Paul" "racist" (or the adjective of your choice) and go from there.  Speaking more generally, it's…
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  • Let me add that I think that at some point the state and party rules for caucuses and primaries kick…
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  • First, it's hard for me to imagine a brokered convention scenario---despite the almost Keystone Kops air surrounding the Republicans right…
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  • Ron Paul may be a "revolutionary", but let's be clear.  He's a revolutionary like Robert Welch, Jr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_W._Welch_Jr. was a…
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  • Well, let me take a shot at this. 1 - As for proof that Obama intends to win, according to…
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  • Not that they need any help from me, but there is an intellectually coherent (on its own terms) argument they…
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  • Rachel Q is right; Warren's accomplishments are pretty impressive in her field.  What's more, she wasn't an "obscure academic"; she…
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  • With all due respect to the power of the corporate media, Howard Dean (a fiscally conservative, moderate governor) lost the…
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  • At least when Carl Albert was Speaker, he had Tip O'Neill to round up the votes needed to pass essential…
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  • Not defending Burke, but I'd just like to observe that "how something was able to work" isn't meaningless.  Agreed, it…
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  • Had Perot not been a nutcase, well, he wouldn't have been Perot.
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  • "Sometimes I worry that my son is going to be some kind of social outcast."  Not necessarily.  Our teenagers seem…
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  • Somewhat off topic, but one of the politicians who best understands the limits of political advertising is Rick Perry.  This…
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  • Well sure, the Constitution's overdue for many amendments.  It's overdue for a constitutional convention.  But that's not going to happen…
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  • Quicklund, Booman's not making an assumption.  It is a fact that more Democratic House seats are heavily Democratic than Republican…
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  • "In concept this is a good idea".  Well, if the concept includes congressional districts that aren't gerrymandered.  As CDs are…
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  • Just to add a bit more.... 1 - We're up against conservatives who feel entitled to run the country.  (After…
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