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    Booman, the "news that isn't news" about Obama's speech is that he outmaneuvered Petraeus and the generals in the Pentagon…
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  • FWIW, I give Obama lots of points for his handling of our wars and our military: *He said he'd withdraw…
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  • I wonder if Shapiro came across Brother Kirk's appearances on Sesame Street (not to mention the classic 1974 album, "Pete…
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  • Calvin, from your lips to the voters' hands, but I wouldn't be surprised if 20% of Massachusetts voters voted for…
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  • Steven D, another terrific post, thank-you. A minor quibble with the headline:  "the world" will survive pretty much anything we…
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  • Somehow Noonan missed the fact that Clinton helped destroy Gingrich (and a succession of Republican "good ol' boys" and "good…
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  • Sarah Palin probably won't read it, but Booman you (and others here) would probably enjoy "Paul Revere's Ride" by the…
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  • Booman, I agree with everything you say here. But (...there's always a but), whoever wins the Republican nomination will likely…
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  • DaveW, from what I know, I'd disagree about Sanders.  He seems more like a senator who wants to get things…
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  • justadood, from what I've read about NY-26, it's a heavily Republican district---so even a Democrat losing closely would be a…
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  • This.  Thank-you, rikyrah.
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  • I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again, if Obama's part of the "Joshua generation", then we should…
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  • My first thought about Huckabee not running is that this all but guarantees that Tim Pawlenty gets one of the…
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  • Check Wikipedia...or google "Mark Bavaro" and "Operation Rescue".
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  • Maybe Tarheeldem, or someone else with more knowledge of the South, can weigh in but IIRC in George Wallace's first…
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  • Apparently Huckabee doesn't like fundraising and isn't particularly good at it.  Additionally, it seems the business wing of the party…
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  • I think it was Jack Kennedy who said he'd be more concerned about the fact that most of the bishops…
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  • Much as I'd like to see the Republican convention next year to bring back memories of the 1972 Democratic convention…
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  • Frum's had a series of fascinating posts lately.  It reminds me of the 1970s-era line:  "A conservative is a liberal…
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  • But what if the "third intifada" consists primarily of: 1 - Hamas and Fatah forming a "unity government"; 2 -…
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