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    There's a coming wave that could cancel out the Wave of Stupid.  That's the 4 million young people who turn…
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  • Well, here's hoping that: a) McConnell's #1 goal still is to make Obama a one-term president, and b) McConnell still…
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  • I'm terrible at market predictions, but I just clicked over to Yahoo's finance homepage.  It's kind of fascinating (in a…
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  • It's a great line rikyrah.  Right up there with the one about Ginger Rogers---something to the effect of "she danced…
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  • That, and 30 million people getting health insurance---just to choose one example from what Democrats accomplished last year. And winding…
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  • With all due respect Ed J(full disclosure: I have days when I feel the same way), that (giving up) is…
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  • abandonedprogressive, I read Jane Hamsher's column.  I'm not persuaded.  When she states that the 2006 election results were a surprise,…
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  • Hey Booman, good post but the last paragraph needs some work.   New England Democrats have worked hard to get…
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  • JLG, I won't tell you who to give money to, but if you're "happy to support the Democratic party of…
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  • It'll be interesting to see what happens.  If no Dems vote for Boehner's bill, that might actually make it easier…
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  • I wasn't paying close attention to Blue Dog votes in the last session of Congress, but it seemed to me…
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  • nonynony, thanks for this thoughtful post. My guess is that somewhere along the way, President Obama absorbed (directly or indirectly)…
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  • Good points.   Tarheel Dem, what are your thoughts on a compromise based on McConnell's plan---say, two tranches, one immediately,…
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  • This.
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  • In addition, Oscar & NMP, Obama is counting on progressives to be organized around their own interests and, for example,…
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  • upyernoz, I see your point, and even agree partly.  For progressives who want to exert maximum leverage on President Obama,…
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  • It's good to see you're raising him right. Remember, young children love to listen to the same songs over and…
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  • That's a powerful testimony, Steve D.  Thank-you.
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  • You could drive yourself crazy trying to keep up with Newt's meanness, craziness and sloppiness (it's often hard to tell…
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  • Yeah, "laying a trap" is not the best way to put it. Obama did, as you say and to his…
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