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    hz, I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but my understanding is that this is a…
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  • And let the church say "amen".
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  • Winning is pretty much always better than losing, but if the Dems lose Weiner's old seat I wouldn't take it…
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  • limulu, welcome and thanks for your comments both here and below. I think you're right about the economy.  Absent growth…
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  • RandyH, thanks for this, and for your other comments.  You've both clarified your own views to the rest of us…
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  • I agree with the basic analysis that the Republicans have some latent divisions that are likely to be exposed in…
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  • "I don't know how strong (Romney) would be in standing up to his own party though." Bingo.  A President Romney…
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  • Good reminder, Booman.  Thanks. One friendly amendment:  If memory serves, Bush's 2005 effort to privatize Social Security never even got…
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  • I hope for their sakes that the folks in the Obama administration have thought this through and are prepared to…
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  • Just a word of caution.  Many liberals in the 1970s laughed at the idea that Ronald Reagan would ever be…
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  • Here's the thing about "the Gay Marriage thing"---it's another in long line of examples of people in Massachusetts deciding they…
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  • Here's an article and video clip from the Norman Rockwell Museum's website about Pres. Obama and Ruby Bridges visiting the…
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  • By the way, this is a joke waiting to be written:  'A dope, a joke and a fraud walk into…
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  • Booman, is it too soon to start pointing out that this is yet another military/foreign policy decision that Obama appears…
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  • Yep.  Salam appears to be suffering a case of "Brooksitis", the syndrome named after NYT columnist David Brooks.  Brooksitis is…
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  • Actually Booman, I have a very active imagination.  I did think they could be this unethical.
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  • GreenCaboose, I can understand your frustration---particularly if what you're looking for from Obama is "the sort of brilliance on the…
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  • And Jonathan Bernstein...  http://plainblogaboutpolitics.blogspot.com/2011/08/westen-piece.html
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  • dataguy, do you have any data to support your third point?  (serious question) My own experience, limited though it is,…
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  • keirdubois, thanks for this.  I had a similar reaction.  A lot of that article struck me as semi-informed handwringing about…
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