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    Many, many, years ago my best friend took me aside and informed me that my constant harping and put-downs of…
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  • All you can hear is the sound of crickets. And frogs. Can't forget the frogs. <g>
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  • I have a spouse who loves me and a child we both adore who thinks we hung the moon. You…
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  • I can relate to this event, only I got the whole blog yanked away while I was posting a comment.…
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  • I just can't get too upset about it because I consider it par for the course. As far as editing,…
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  • Rather than creating a rule curbing diary deletions I think people posting comments should be aware that any diary they…
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  • with harassment and abuse. I'd even throw in kidnapping. This is beyond sick and desperate, it's criminal. Perhaps a restraining…
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  • Is this seriously being bandied about? If so, I think an investigation is warranted. First find out why the ad…
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  • I thought Darwin might be getting hitched.
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  • The only thing I'd hate to see happen here is a "this community is better than DKs" tone. I love…
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  • A wedding! Oh, I just love weddings! <g> Back to lurking, because lately I can't even finish a crossword puzzle…
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  • I gave you a four because you reminded me that I was much happier when I stayed off the front…
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  • Bingo! You nailed it. I was addicted to DK--it was a big part of my life for more months than…
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  • If they follow history, I think Saul ends up falling for a Chinese whore called the "China Doll" or somesuch.…
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  • Don't agree about Wolcott. The note (suicide) he was writing and the rope in the forefront of the screen when…
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  • I bet the actor who plays him shows up again in a different guise next season Heh, my husband said…
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  • I think there were some "maybes" in that conversation. "Maybe I'm to blame, maybe you're to blame" As much as…
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  • I got the sense from Wu that they need to be back in China for their souls to be at…
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  • An episode that lives up to and at times exceeds the promise of the first season. Focusing on main characters…
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  • Agree with you about Wild Bill. Carradine was robbed. Agree with you about Jane this season. She's good as a…
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