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    I agree. This piece frames quite well the very argument I have been trying to formulate myself in my own…
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  • Yep, for sure.  Initial reports are always problematic.
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  • From what I read on a couple of British news sites, the man identified as the attacker was known in…
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  • It's a line from the Ryan Cooper piece.
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  • But what does this do to bring in anyone who might be sitting on the fence?  Yeah, it appeals to…
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  • I have avoided much of the media since this has happened.  Getting my information in short snippets via selected internet…
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  • Damn, so many thoughts swimming around in my head on this post, but I'm at work and can't take the…
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  • Every time I get a glimpse inside the bubble in which the Friedmans of our political pundit world exist, it…
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  • Well nalbar, after months of enduring the goings-on around here, this comment had to be cathartic.
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  • Very cool. Congratulations to you, CG & Finn. Another milestone on the road of life.
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  • I will be really curious to see where Kasich finally lands on the issue of Trump. My gut tells me…
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  • Meaning they don't educate voters that the GOP can't govern for crap. Not to mention the constant drumbeat that "both…
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  • And in the end, what group is most advantaged by these perceptions and this type of clusterfuck spectacle? Yes, it…
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  • Regardless of the outcome of the Presidential election, with the xenophobic and racist genie now completely out of the bottle,…
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  • I'm guessing that The Magic Eight Ball said,  "Yes, most definitely".
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  • Yeah, and Donald Trump says he loves "the Hispanics". 😉 I call "bullshit"!!
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  • He's probably just upset because he wasn't able to get a nice selfie with The Donald to put on his…
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  • So much drama. Such pearl clutching and rending of garments going on among the pundit class, bloggers and the corporate…
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  • And after 20-plus years of reinforcement by the right-wing wurlitzer, their synapses are so calcified that their brains are biologically…
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  • I would place my bet on the major media eventually shrugging their shoulders and running with his desired narrative that…
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