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    Sigh.....When doing this kind of refutation to those on "our side" becomes a full time job, one wonders if we…
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  • Would it be too much to expect for at least ONE of these damn pundits to ask, "Please give me…
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  • If the reporters actually focus on this consensus, that doesn't allow them to promote a traditional presidential race. They can't…
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  • Would love to be fly on the wall when Reince signs over the title to the Republican Party and hands…
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  • A U.S. Embassy official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that staff were not being evacuated from their compound,…
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  • Given the 20 year drumbeat that both sides are equally obstructionist, equally beholden to the radical wings of their parties…
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  • I think Boehner has been taking in a little too much Bill Cunningham on talk radio in Cincinnati.
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  • I've always believed that this whole #NeverTrump gang would simply melt like a snowman in the late winter sun, and…
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  • Catching some of the network coverage describing his "pivoting for the general election" was maddening. Essentially, anything he said or…
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  • If the name and date fonts on comments here weren't green, sometimes I'd think I might have accidentally landed at…
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  • Which is why it seems that anymore the prudent thing around here is to stand outside and simply peer through…
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  • I rold my wife today that I am not looking forward to my dad's rants on this subject. He finally…
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  • Well, here's what I think will happen.  If it plays out like you outlined, after all the pearl clutching and…
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  • Yes, because as Friedrich Nietzsche observed, "Out of chaos comes order".  
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  • Nah, you're safe, I think. Not Martin's first rodeo. He's seen your ilk before. 😉
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  • Yep, some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed, or to click on Booman Tribune. Things are…
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  • There you go.  Poking the hornet nest. Tsk, tsk, tsk. 😉
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  • To me the key is to attain balance in the flavors of the food, without having any one of them…
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  • I find it somewhat mysterious that Kasich, simply by occasionally exuding this folksiness and aw-shucks, every-man persona, gets painted in…
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  • My experiences have mirrored yours.  Over the years I have had to take several hiatuses from running or biking.  And…
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