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    Don't worry your little head.  Remember, that stuff is all just "media hysteria".
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  • Pretty much all of us will have at least one of those, what I like to call, "Rob Portman moments"…
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  • FIRE HIM????  Hell no, man....this elevates him to V.P. material in Trumpistania.
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  • Everyone has their own story, but there are millions of people in this country who are making, or have already…
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  • Did anyone else watch the Cruz speech and come away with feeling that deep down inside that man he is…
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  • I had truly been torn on who to vote for yesterday. My head was telling me to vote for Hillary.…
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  • I think there is a high likelihood that in the end the reality of GOP cycle will be very simple…
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  • Yes, the word "fascist" is used by many as a convenient pejorative for a wide variety of things.  But "fascism"…
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  • Well, it looks like I had this one pegged.  Rally moved to Sunday and it is now in Butler County.…
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  • One lady in particular in the Kent State documentary sticks in my mind.  She very matter of factly says, "They…
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  • Yes, they did rebuild it.  And Jesus either needs a hug or he's telling you, "You probably ain't gonna believe…
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  • Yeah. Maybe that's it. Or not.   ...the campaign is looking for additional sites to possibly confirm for another event…
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  • Trump had a rally scheduled on Sunday in Cincinnati. It has now been postponed due to "security concerns". We are…
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  • I watched a documentary a while back about Kent State.  And they played a bunch of clips of man-on-the-street interviews…
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  • I understand your feelings.  Come back when things are in a little better place.  Hopefully that will be sooner rather…
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  • My gut is telling me that all this roiling that is going on in GOP circles is nothing more than…
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  • So I guess their expectation is that somehow Congress is just going to be a rubber stamp for all those…
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  • Yep, all they needed to do was keep showing the pictures from Africa and those people in Biological Hazmat suits…
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  • I know it was on the mind of a lot of consumers of right wing news. My dad certainly had…
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  • They did a whole report on it and everything. What more do you want? Heh, that's right! And it got…
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