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    Thanks for the breaking news!!! Quick...activate your tin force field, for I am especially interested in the "controlling hand." Patsies…
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  • BRAVO! I see you are a man of his word. I noticed that you went over there and appropriately down-rated…
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  • LOL
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  • Fair point, but many of the biggest brownshirt trolls there are former front pagers and TUs. If they start berating,…
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  • *Recommended. They've run out quite a few transparent talking points, eh? They must be feeling the heat.
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  • I, too, am a recovering Kossack. In fact, I just Kosovered, too. The "feel" of this place is INDEED far…
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  • How's about? G reed O il P lunder Repukes Repuklicans RepubliKKKans Republicants Republic*nts Conservapigs Conservathieves Dick Pull Your Cheney
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  • No, they (MSM) will continue to slavishly follow their corporate bosses dictates. Any minorly subversive behavior on their part is…
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  • Hey Mark, Good Point. We must hold the administration accountable, not their chosen fallguy, whether it be Rove or someone…
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  • A couple I've heard recently: Rumsfailed Condaloser Rice Richard BlackPerle Bill KristolBall Doug BadFeith Ann Tranny Coulter Paul CryWolfowitz
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  • Zander, may I introduce you to the wonders of Camel Turkish Gold? Here, try one. Robust...worth 2 Camel Lights. No…
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  • Zander, may I introduce you to the wonders of Camel Turkish Gold? Here, try one. Robust...worth 2 Camel Lights. No…
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  • Hey Bood/Dood abides, Bien fait! I always look forward to your incisive comedic efforts. Just curious...if on BMT...you are "bood…
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  • One action that would have a pronounced effect on all of Africa's societal ills, both outwardly imposed ones and those…
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  • Therein lies the problem. Some TUs and some front pagers are among the most petty, sanctimonious, ritual abusers of all…
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  • Unintended consequences are a BITCH. DKos has now gained the respect of the Malkins, Pipes', Horowitz', and Ledeens. Bravo!!!
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  • That was very funny. May I borrow a paper clip?
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  • Washington, DC, please!
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  • Hi There, Just Kosovered to BMT. May I share a celebratory smoke w/ you?
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  • Let's just say...maybe. I'm loathe to discuss it further. I'm still in recovery. 😉 I just want to bask in…
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