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    Half of the pundits on Cable and Network representing the "mainstream Right" perspective are PNAC ideologues. They are never introduced…
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  • Hello Booman, Would you please name the offending diaries? Thanks
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  • http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent…
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  • Recognize any of these names? http://rightweb.irc-online.org/charts/pnac-chart.htm PNAC Bush Administration Members: http://www.thefourreasons.org/pnac.htm
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  • Wow, in reading the comments following Booman's Dkos post on reality...this bit of altered wisdom comes to mind: Keep your…
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  • Huh?
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  • Tx for beginning this crucial discussion Kansas, I hope we are joined by many. Let me make one slight editorial…
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  • Hello Kansas, Thank you for bringing this salient issue out into the light for other inquiring minds to mull over.…
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  • One nameless fellow Boo, got a mention as a hired gun for the establishment, a professional poster/debunker. Booman also got…
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  • I pray that you'll turn your paper into a diary entry.
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  • Rascal is the name of Rick Santorum's pooch...
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  • You Got It. I'd like to buy you a drink.  Shall we head to the FBC Café for happy hour?
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  • Beautiful.
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  • I respectfully note your objection. Why did I write this diary? I wrote this "diary" in part to respond to…
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  • Hello All, First things first. I'd like a large iced mocha cappuchino with a slice of pumpkin bread for Kansas,…
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  • You got it! Alas, I seem to have lost my way to the café. Would you mind walking me there,…
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  • Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum has some inside...er insight on this turn of phrase.
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  • Sure, triple-shot americano for me. What are you having? It's on me. BTW, I just posted my thoughts.
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  • Hello Brinnaine,  I respectfully note your opinion. You asked me what purpose this diary served. I wrote this "diary" in…
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  • Hey Zwack,   Yes, I wrongly assumed that you were engaging in snarkery. I have edited my post to remove…
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