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    I think that 250,000 Muslim deaths is about where we are now, after Afghanistan and Iraq. So, we're about halfway…
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  • Your initial sentiment was prescient. Your drunk sentiment surprises me.
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  • Sadly, Johnny Damon recorded the last out tonight, going 0-5 as the Sawx drop one to the Rays. Hitting streak…
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  • The Christian Right is pure evil, Dan. Wait the rest of your life for a condemnation...it aint coming. "Homos got…
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  • like Ari
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  • Was Wolfowitz on that plane, too? No way he gives someone Ari up I suppose?
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  • Thank you.
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  • If they try to pin it on a leaky Colon, I think that is as huge a tactical blunder as…
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  • Do those other articles potentially incriminate Colon as the leaker? Do those articles blame him for the leak? Please link…
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  • WELCOME BACK AG !!! Nice to see you posting again. I've always appreciated your voice over at the unmentionable blog.…
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  • Of course the elections were fixed. Evidence of that, provided by Hersh, is very welcome after the self-aggrandizing orgy of…
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  • The "Green Peril" Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat by Leon T. Hadar Leon T. Hadar, a former bureau chief for…
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  • http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/7/17/165838/640 A great collection of links from the above story on Kos. Cheney's role? http://www.ariannaonline.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3059.html http://www.geocities.com/saudhouse_p/what.htm http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19930301faessay5172/leon-t-hadar/what-green-peril.html
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  • Yes, I send him some loot when I can.
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  • Hey Bood, Well done...again. Check this nugget out: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article9485.htm
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  • I agree that humanity embarked on its journey of death that day.
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  • http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/Coup.htm If this was true then, then it must have succeeded sometime in the intervening 75 years since... Can we…
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  • "the knight takes the fall at exactly that moment when it's essential to protect the king." Here's to hoping the…
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  • Hello Brenda, This stuff is literally right out of the US Army field manual...even in a copy from 1898. We…
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  • Whether the subject matter is fiction or non-fiction, I find Truth to be the most compelling element in the books…
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