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    I don't know...the Repukelicans had some success with sending powdered sugar packets to their offices...
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  • http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/11/20/185048.shtml There's a run on ammo on the periphery of DC ("Gun-free zone"). And, to spare you the wisecracks...it's an…
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  • and then was quietly pushed into retirement. His "fear" of martial law being instituted in the US following another terrorist…
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  • Ummm...hello The resistance in Iraq is doing pretty damn well with light weapons....
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  • What in the Sam Hill is happening here? I'm w/ you Madman. I live in DC, just give the word.
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  • Let's name names! Who in the blogworld are you suggesting is taking a dive for Roberts? List sites here:
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  • I love your manifesto, and concur with all points. However, I see a large omission. How does the BIG MONEY…
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  • Which is all the more reason not to feed into the distraction and to continue to turn up the heat.…
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  • Nice Freudian slip. Rove will certainly be "persecuted." How? Here's how... http://www.politicalanimalscartoon.com/Cartoons.aspx?ID=166&PC=0 Have at him, Bubba.
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  • "According to Channell, Roberts told him that Miller and his partner Frank Gomez ``are the White House -- outside the…
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  • ...the Christian Right is ONE OF the best organized factions in American politics The undisputed reigning champion- the BEST organized…
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  • How does one googlebomb? I'm serious?
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  • Katerina is as FREEPER !!!!!! Joking, joking...   😉 Is this window as critical as you suggest? Aren't Dems going…
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  • Yeah, I love the title construct as well! Original material? Rec'd!
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  • Hey Joe, The fact that you bought Bronson Arroyo's CD great erodes your credibility. LOL All kidding aside: Brilliant Diary!!!…
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  • Speak freely magician, the Boomeister can handle it. He is not the hypersensitive, censoring type.
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  • What would you have those with many longstanding legitimate grievances against the US do instead? Use the international organizations that…
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  • Scroll down for my response to your question...
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  • First of all, my comment that I am surprised is a compliment, however awkward. Secondly, you've done your penance. Your…
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