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    I hope this connection will see the light of day. Miller/Libby= OSP/Cheney/Perle = AIPAC/Israel conduit.
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  • Here,here !!!
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  • Chavez is a brilliant political tactician. After two failed coup d'etats, some say US engineered, he warned loudly, publicly, and…
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  • Why...Yes. Yes is the answer to your lead question. Here is why, nicely broken down: http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/10/17/15167/706
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  • Snarkety-Snark. Peace, Neo.
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  • Kansas, that was funny as sin. Especially the anti-climatic part.  Thx!
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  • I guess we've just found our Anti-Christ...
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  • I hope some guard, or several, rough him up a bit...and claim that he was drunk and resisting.
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  • Are the NFL, Messrs. Bush I and Clinton I, and Patty Robertson's Operation Blessing going to do a huge fundraiser…
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  • Right, what I believe Oui was trying to say is: "How credible is the NYT as a source?" To which…
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  • Was that unintentional humor? Did you know her nickname while Washington Bureau Chief for the NYT was...Judith "Kneepads" Miller?
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  • I love your play on Sweet Judy's book title. For those of you inclined to read more about Judy's nefarious…
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  • I'm sure Sweet Judy stood there and droolingly said, "Please, please...let me try the cattle prod on him!!!
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  • Speaking of Pearl/Miller, this an excellent article by Bernstein in 1977. http://www.unknownnews.net/hh030102.html As to the biography you cite, I found…
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  • Great comment. "Kos, unfortunately, reads his own press and his own press releases, and BELIEVES them." Worse still, he has…
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  • I found that biography to be too sympathetic. The author seems to apologize for her willful disinformation peddling by arguing…
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  • """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Who is protecting Miller? (4.00 / 3) I have always been fascinated that former Times Managing Editor A.M. Rosenthal…
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  • So OUI when shall we co-author a book on the seemingly disparate, but truly connected neoconservative scandals? Is your e-mail…
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  • We're GotDamn proud of you TJ !!! I confess to not have read all of the above glowing praise, but…
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  • Hot Damn!!! Too predictable. This is further evidence that the NYT's knew exactly who they were allowing to spread lies…
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